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Vigeland Park

Author: Edward Porper

Reading time: 2 min read
Featured image for Vigeland Park

The "Open Air Museum" concept is a perfect example of how a creative idea spreads wings and turns into reality. First there is a meaningful incentive – in this case, it is one’s desire to live a life that's comfortable and exciting at the same time . This incentive sets minds in motion and eventually results in a trailblazing concept, like bringing various and seemingly unrelated joys of life under the (rather than roof). A park serving as a home becomes the first step in this direction. Once the new combination has rooted, adding a museum to it follows quite naturally... 

...In Vigeland Park the Open Air museum comes in shape of just one very long sculpture-lined alley. The sculptures, located on both sides of the alley, represent common people - men, women, children - adopting a whole variety of postures, some of which would require superhuman strength and flexibility, while others are so natural and familiar that many tourists amuse themselves by mimicking the closest sculpture. The alley blends into a staircase crowned with a fountain looking like a merry-go-round - but for traditional horses being replaced with more sculptures. Those are constantly sprinkled with water, and they are gleaming under the sun like golden nuggets. On the other side of the staircase there is a small glade merging with another climb that leads towards a huge statue known in the history of art as the "Monolith"...