Seasonal Wonders
Author: Edward Porper
The wonders I've mentioned so far are permanent - when created, be it by Nature or Man, they are there to stay. However, there are also what might be called "seasonal wonders" - summer festivals, autumn fairs, spring awakening rituals pertaining to many indigenous people around the world... One of the most celebrated and cherished seasons for a significant part of Mankind is Christmas.
While the Cascade is Wellington’s permanent feature, the City's living statues must be a Christmas bonus. A sitting lady with a basket and a gentleman with a cane standing next to her – both are dressed all in white as to resemble a miller and his wife if not a pair of angels!
The second statue – “a friendly ape” in a red nightcap and a light brown animal skin, covering him from head to toe, that was standing on a bench – actually sprang to live when a passerby dropped a couple of coins into his collection box. He shook hands with the donor and the two of them posed for a picture.
A Salvation Army orchestra, that was performing not far from the living statues, had a collection box of its own but it looked more like a red bucket held by a non-playing orchestra member. The whole group was wearing the Army’s very distinct uniform: black shoes, black trousers, red jackets and black caps with a red ribbon. They looked very solemn and – considering the place and the occasion – extremely funny.